Is Your DISC Profile Helping or Hindering?

Is Your DISC Profile Helping or Hindering?

Effective leadership is a cornerstone of business success, and understanding one’s own leadership style is paramount to driving success, and ensuring you’re working in the best possible way.

The DISC personality assessment has gained popularity as a tool for categorising individuals into four distinct personality types: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. 

In fact, it’s something we utilise in our ABC, Ascentis Business Club sessions, to help our business leaders work to their full potential, and understand what might be something they can work on improving. 

And, as part of this, we ask ourselves the all important question, can DISC personality profiles serve as a catalyst or a constraint? 

This article delves into the potential impact of DISC profiles on business leadership and growth.

Want to learn more about what DISC is? Check out our Introduction to DISC Video

Deciphering DISC

Before examining the role of your DISC profile in your business leadership, it’s a good idea to get a strong understanding of the different personality types involved:

Disc profile Chart

Dominance (D): Dominant individuals are assertive, results-oriented, and task-focused. They thrive on challenges and are often decisive leaders.

Influence (I): Influential individuals are outgoing, people-oriented, and enthusiastic. They excel at networking, building relationships, and motivating teams.

Steadiness (S): Steady individuals are patient, dependable, and team players. They prefer a stable environment and are skilled at fostering harmony within teams.

Conscientiousness (C): Conscientious individuals are analytical, detail-oriented, and systematic. They value accuracy, precision, and following processes.

Why is it important to know your DISC personality as a leader?

There are some fantastic benefits to understanding your own DISC personality, and what it means for you as a business leader. Whether it’s working with others or understanding more about where your strengths and weaknesses lie, it can be a very valuable tool. Check out our What is DISC Video to learn more about the benefits. 

We’ve outlined the key benefits below. 

Self-Awareness: DISC profiles offer business leaders valuable insights into their own strengths and potential weaknesses.. With a light shining on those areas where improvement might be necessary you can work on them if needed, or delegate to someone who is more suited to that piece of work. 

Better Team Dynamics: Understanding DISC allows you to have a stronger insight into the potential profiles within a team, if you haven’t done the test with them. This  can help you build balanced teams and ensure everyone is working to their strengths. A mix of personalities can contribute to well-rounded perspectives and better collaboration.

Greater Communication: Effective communication is a hallmark of successful leadership. Understanding how you prefer to communicate with others, and how it might be perceived by other personality types on the DISC circle can help you in tailoring your communication styles, allowing you to improve relationships and collaborative working with others. 

The Pros and (Potential) Cons of Each Profile

Of course, no one is absolutely perfect at doing business. There are bound to parts of all of our personalities that could make us fantastic leaders, and others that might mean we stand in our own way. 

To help you get a better understanding of where your strengths and your areas of opportunity lie, we’ve outlined the key things you should bear in mind when you start to think about how your own personality and self awareness could be impacting your business. 

You may relate to some of these but not all, but either way, we’d be interested to hear what you think about your DISC profile helps and hindrances. Get in touch today

Dominance (D):

John introduces the traits and expected behaviours of the D profile in our DISC: D Profile Video

Benefits for a Business:

  • Decisive Leadership: Dominant individuals are natural decision-makers. In a business setting, they can quickly assess situations, make tough choices, and drive projects forward.
  • Results-Oriented: D-personalities are focused on results. They set clear goals, establish timelines, and push teams to achieve objectives efficiently.
  • Problem Solving: Their assertive nature makes them adept at solving challenges and overcoming obstacles, which can lead to effective crisis management.

Potential Hindrances:

  • Micro-Management: A dominant leader might become too hands-on and overlook the importance of delegation, potentially stifling team members’ growth and autonomy.
  • Communication: Their direct communication style could be perceived as abrasive, potentially hindering effective collaboration and team morale.
  • Risky Decision-Making: A dominant leader’s desire for quick results might lead to impulsive decisions that lack thorough analysis, potentially leading to costly mistakes.

Everything Disc

Influence (I):

John introduces the traits and expected behaviours of the I profile in our DISC: I Profile Video

Benefits for a Business:

  • Networking: Influential individuals excel in building relationships and connections, which can lead to beneficial partnerships, collaborations, and increased market visibility.
  • Motivating Teams: Their enthusiastic and energetic approach can inspire and motivate team members, boosting morale and productivity.
  • Communication Skills: I-personalities are great communicators, making them effective at conveying ideas, selling products or services, and engaging with customers.

Potential Hindrances:

  • Overcommitment: Their tendency to take on numerous tasks simultaneously might lead to overextension, potentially impacting the quality of work and causing burnout.
  • Short Attention Span: I-personalities’ propensity for excitement can lead to shifting focus quickly, possibly affecting consistent long-term business strategies.
  • Lack of Detail Orientation: Influential leaders might overlook small details in their pursuit of big-picture goals, potentially affecting accuracy and quality.

Steadiness (S):

John introduces the traits and expected behaviours of the S profile in our DISC: S Profile Video

Benefits for a Business:

  • Team Cohesion: Steady individuals foster a harmonious work environment and build strong interpersonal relationships, promoting collaboration and teamwork.
  • Reliable Execution: S-personalities are dependable and consistent, ensuring that tasks are completed meticulously and deadlines are met.
  • Calm Under Pressure: Their ability to remain composed in stressful situations can contribute to effective conflict resolution and steady decision-making.

Potential Hindrances:

  • Resistance to Change: Steady individuals might be hesitant to embrace new ideas or changes, potentially inhibiting innovation and adaptation to market trends.
  • Slow Decision-Making: Their preference for thorough analysis could lead to delays in decision-making, hindering quick responses in fast-paced business environments.
  • Avoidance of Conflict: While good for harmony, an avoidance of conflict could prevent necessary conversations for growth and improvement.

Conscientiousness (C):

Benefits for a Business:

  • Detail-Oriented: Conscientious individuals ensure precision and accuracy in tasks, making them valuable for quality control and process optimisation.
  • Thorough Planning: Their systematic approach helps in developing well-thought-out strategies, minimising potential risks and maximising efficiency.
  • Analytical Thinking: C-personalities excel in analysing data and making informed decisions, contributing to sound business choices.

Potential Hindrances:

  • Perfectionism: A conscientious leader’s pursuit of perfection might lead to over-analyzing situations, causing delays and missed opportunities.
  • Resistance to Delegation: Their desire for control and accuracy could lead to micromanagement, potentially stifling team creativity and growth.
  • Risk Aversion: C-personalities might avoid taking calculated risks, potentially hindering innovation and the pursuit of new business ventures.

In conclusion, each DISC personality profile brings distinct strengths and potential challenges to the table. While it’s empowering to be able to relate to the benefits you bring to your role as leader, it’s also extremely valuable to be able to look at what might be hindering your progress too. 

This allows you to reflect on how you might act in certain situations in order to get the most out of your DISC profile. 


DISC personality profiles hold the potential to be powerful tools for business leaders seeking to leverage their strengths, enhance communication, and create synergistic teams. 

However, the key lies in using these insights as a foundation rather than a restriction. While DISC profiles can serve as valuable guides, they should not limit a leader’s growth potential or stifle adaptability. 

As such, when you see the so-called ‘hindrances’ we’ve highlighted above, this gives you an opportunity to work on these areas, be aware of these parts of your personality and continue towards growing yourself and your business. 

If you’d like to find out more about how we can support you in growing your business as a leader, get in touch with us at Ascentis today. Our team of experts will be happy to talk.