Ascentis Business Club (ABC)

What is ABC?

Ascentis Business Club is a quarterly meeting hosted in our Leeds Office where business leaders can escape distraction and focus entirely on strategic planning to help grow your business to where you want it to be. ABC is designed to help you focus on what it is you want to achieve for your business and provide you with the tools to make it happen.

Our team of experts work with you to understand where you are, where you want to be as a business and as an individual, and develop a roadmap of how to get there.

We use tried and tested methods, based on real-life scenarios and specifically designed to help you create a path that brings in real, tangible results.

From understanding what might be holding you back, to setting targets that play to your strengths and allow for real growth, we’re with you every step of the way to make it happen.

ABC also relies heavily on your DiSC profile. For every client we offer a DiSC evaluation which can help you understand your personality and how to work to your advantage. In ABC we take into consideration you and your team’s DiSC profile and how you can improve the way you work by understanding why you behave the way you do. 

Hear From ABC Attendees
How can ABC help me?
Strategic Vision and Goal Setting

Our quarterly ABC sessions provide an ideal platform for you to review and refine your strategic vision and goals, both personally and as a business. By taking the time to reflect on your current performance, understand where you are and where you want to be, and identify opportunities, you can set clear and actionable objectives for the upcoming quarter and further into the future too. Our target-setting process is designed to empower you and to align your efforts towards both your business and personal vision, fostering a sense of purpose and direction.

Continuous Learning and Skill Enhancement

At the Ascentis Business Club you’ll have the chance to learn from industry experts from our team of business advisors who are well versed in transforming business and personal performance. Everything in our workshops are designed to help your business and you be more successful by understanding what might be holding you back and what you need to do to create positive change. 

Innovative Thinking and Problem-Solving

Our workshops are not only designed for us to share our expertise with you, but they’re also an opportunity to encourage you to explore unconventional solutions and to challenge your current approaches and practices. By facing any issues head on, and introducing new ways of thinking, through tried and tested business development structures, you can actively address the things that may be holding you back. 

Tracking Progress and Accountability

The quarterly structure of ABC serves as a natural rhythm for progress evaluation and accountability. You can assess your performance against the set goals and milestones we outline early on, identify areas that need improvement, and make necessary adjustments with our expert support. This iterative process ensures your progress stays on track.

Personal Development

While this is our business club, we put a lot of emphasis on developing you as an individual too. Happiness and personal gratification is a huge part of owning a business and, if you achieve these through your work, you’re more likely to experience success in your personal life and your work. We work with you on developing your personal vision for the future, and align that with your business vision to ensure you’re working at your full potential too. 

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