“Sounding Board” is the name we give to our executive coaching service.
Executive coaching provides business owners and leaders with safe space and time to think deeply and objectively about their business and personal goals.
As the business leader you are always on show, and always expected to have the answers about the business and its future direction. In today’s complex, fast changing business world this can be an overwhelming responsibility.
Our Sounding Board service gives you somewhere to share your ideas and doubts, to explore options and to receive structured, independent support, challenge and guidance.
Business owners that take up this “coaching” support tell us, “They feel less overwhelmed by their business and less isolated when making key decisions.” They, “See their business more clearly, generate more new possibilities and make more progress towards their most important business goals.
This service takes many forms and is often moulded to meet your specific personal circumstances.
If you would like to find out more, or you are new to executive coaching and would like to experience a session at no cost to you, then please get in touch.